Copyright Policy is a food blog created by me, Swati, to help people incorporate more plant-based food in their diet. Some of these recipes have been passed down through generations in my family. Some of them I have experimented and created over time. All the recipes posted on this blog are that I make for my family and most of them on a regular basis.

Before I publish any post, I test the recipes and the instructions multiple times. I try to give as detailed instructions as possible for you to recreate these recipes at home with consistent results every time. All the photographs and the videos on the blog are personally taken and edited by me. Therefore, I have a copyright on all the content, including the photographs and the videos posted on this blog.

Please feel free to share my posts by using the share features provided and only if the share (1) contains a link back to the appropriate page on and (2) does NOT contain recipe instructions. Please obtain written permission before you use any of the content provided on this blog in any form and provide credit by referencing my blog with a link to my homepage.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this page, please contact me on