About me

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Hi, I am Swati and welcome to my blog!

I live in Australia, but I was born in India, which has greater number of vegetarians than the rest of the world combined, in a family that have been vegetarians for generations. That heritage, combined with years of experience of making vegetarian food for my family and friends, has given me a solid training and a natural ease with vegetarian cooking. 

When I moved to Australia, I had to adapt many recipes to use what was locally available. I also met many people who wanted to follow a more plant based diet, but were at a loss when it came to making vegetarian dishes every day.

This blog is an attempt to share my knowledge of combining vegetables and spices to make delicious vegetarian food, either as a whole meal or a side dish. I will be sharing family recipes, many of which have been passed down through generations. In addition to the family recipes, I will also share other vegetarian dishes that I cook for my family and also, the fundamentals, so that you can experiment, adapt and find ways to add more plants to your diet.